Heroes of stalingrad game
Heroes of stalingrad game

heroes of stalingrad game

Any hit to the torso with something larger than a pistol round is fatal.

heroes of stalingrad game

This game is in no way forgiving of mistakes. Because when you first start out and you don't know the maps or haven't tuned your skills yet, you die a lot. If Amazon would allow me to, I would give this game at least 4 stars for frustration. I was focused on finding something a little more serious and realistic than classic BF something that would be a little more challenging. Now, I bought Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad and Red Orchestra Ostfront only after putting a lot of time into researching what WWII shooter would be my best replacement for Battlefield 1942 (a game I only stopped playing because of the changes to my favorite server). Personally, I enjoy the role of the 6th Army landser fighting the hated Rotschweine, but if that's not your thing, you can always be Ivan! The choice is yours!

heroes of stalingrad game

Naturally, you play as the German fascist invader, or the Russian Bolshevik defender. The battle of Stalingrad lasted from July 1942 to February 1943 and stands as the most apocalyptic and devastating battle in human history. The setting for this game is the city of Stalingrad, located on the west bank of the Volga river in southern Russia. If you're not already familiar with the setup to RO2, please give me a moment to explain.

Heroes of stalingrad game